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The Team at SenSI Treatment

The Treatment Team

Passion for Healing

SenSI is a multidisciplinary team providing diagnostic assessments and a range of treatments, all of which follow NICE guidelines.

We diagnose Autism, ADHD, Dyspraxia / Developmental Coordination Disorder, Dyslexia and Dyscalculia, and assess cognitive functioning.

We provide a range of individual and group therapies

Both Annie and Emma are fully qualified Paediatric Occupational Therapists and Advanced Practitioners in Sensory Integration and Sensory Attachment Intervention, providing treatment for a wide range of Sensory Processing Disorders and difficulties relating to SI, SAI and SPD.

Due to the increasing demand for our services, the senSI team has grown into a Multi disciplinary team each with their own areas of expertise. Meet the team below.

Our Team

Annie Crofton

Annie Crofton

Director / Advanced Paediatric Occupational Therapist
Emma Jerman

Emma Jerman

Director / Advanced Paediatric Occupational Therapist
Roelien Funchal

Roelien Funchal

Advanced Paediatric Occupational Therapist
Susan Von Gordon 2023

Susan Von Gordon

Senior Occupational Therapy
Jenna Pearson 2023

Jenna Pearson

Occupational Therapy Assistant
Gemma Hattam

Gemma Hattam

Finance Manager
Dr Ian Newey

Dr Ian Newey

Consultant Clinical Psychologist
Angela James 2023

Angela James

Holistic Therapist
Tasha Perry

Tasha Perry

Integrative Psychotherapist
Rafail Kokkinos 2023

Rafail Kokkinos

Advanced Therapy Assistant
Sam Smith

Sam Smith

Art Psychotherapist
Ania Currie

Ania Currie

Office Administrator
Jackie Richardson

Jackie Richardson

Play Therapist
Claire Moran and Frida

Claire Moran

Samantha Stephenson

Samantha Stephenson

Therapeutic Social Worker & Play Therapist
Rosa Kentwood

Rosa Kentwood

Dance Movement Psychotherapist
Nicola Smith Speech & Language Therapist

Nicola Smith

Speech & Language Therapist

Christie Davies

Specialist Teacher
Sharon Occupational Therapist 2023

Sharon Spurgeon

Occupational Therapist
Frankie Rumbold

Frankie Rumbold

Junior Occupational Therapy Assistant
Gareth Chandler

Gareth Chandler

Occupational Therapist
Lizzy Guy

Lizzy Guy

Art psychotherapist