Christie Davies

Specialist Teacher

Christie studied Biochemistry at the University of Oxford and then qualified as a Teacher. She taught science in secondary schools for a number of years before becoming a SENDCO and then a Specialist Teacher Assessor. Christie holds an APC, AMBDA, CPT3A and professional membership with PATOSS. She is a literacy specialist with L7 qualifications in this area and holds L5 qualifications in dyscalculia/maths learning and TEFL. Christie is qualified to assess for and identify dyslexia and dyscalculia. She can also identify DCD and profiles that strongly suggest ADHD at post-18.

Christie has a Master’s in Psychology and Education from the University of Cambridge, in which she investigated the relationship between ASC traits and loneliness. Christie is particularly interested in the overlap in presentation of specific learning difficulties and other psychiatric/medical conditions and, as such, is an advocate for multidisciplinary and holistic assessment.

About Me

I love spending time with my children, especially visiting natural places and museums. We enjoy hunting for fossils.

I am a keen reader and can most often be found engrossed in a good book.

Things we will do together at senSI:

We will complete a number of tasks that investigate how you think. This helps us to understand what your strengths are and what you find difficult.

We will also do some reading and writing together, and possibly some maths. I look forward to hearing all your great ideas!