Play Therapy
Play is a child’s natural form of expression; it is essential for development.
What is Play Therapy?
Play is a child’s natural form of expression; it is essential for development. Play Therapy is a form of psychotherapy which uses play and the creative arts as a means for children to explore their world. It provides opportunity for children to ‘play out’ their thoughts, feelings and experiences, and to make sense of their lives. A variety of mediums are available to children during their sessions including play, art, sand tray, clay, puppets, music, role play and therapeutic storytelling.
Play Therapy is child-led, it encourages children to express what they perhaps cannot verbalise within the safety of the therapeutic relationship. Play Therapy promotes psychological growth and change, helping children process and make sense of difficult life experiences.
Your Play Therapy Sessions
Initially, the Play Therapist will meet with the child’s parent/carer to gather information alongside obtaining consent. Sessions take place at the same time/day each week and last around 40 minutes. An initial review is held around session 8 and then regularly thereafter. Goodman’s Strength and Difficulties Questionnaires are used to give an idea of where the child is functioning and to gauge how many play therapy sessions might be needed. Children are offered a minimum of 12 sessions however, often more sessions are required depending on the needs of the child. Play Therapy is generally suitable for children aged 4-16 years old.